Artikel zu den Zusammenhängen zwischen Trans bzw. der Erweiterung des Verständnisses von Gender und Spiritualität gibt es unendlich viele. In einem davon wird z.B. das mögliche Potential eines genderfluiden Zugangs zum Leben beschrieben:
«The first identification of self also involves the identification of “other” than self. If we are identified as female, then male is identified as “other”. In the rift between self and other, suffering arises. Nonduality is about the dissolution of this belief in ‘otherness’, and the principle of gender fluidity could open the potential for that sacred release.»
– Georgi Johnson
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Geschlechtsüberschreitung und Spiritualität
«Das Überschreiten von Geschlechtsgrenzen erscheint dort, wo diese als Grenzen der begehbaren Welt wahrgenommen werden, als eine Transformation vom Diesseits ins Jenseits.» Themen sind: Neue TransGender-Spiritualität, Inanna, Die Beschneidung der Geschichte, Der andere Gott, Priestertum, Der Wanenkrieg, Schamanimus, Die erste amerikanische Nation
Fels, Eva (2007). Geschlechtsüberschreitung und Spiritualität – TransGenders als Vermittler zwischen den Welten.
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Science and Spirituality of Gender Fluidity
Is the split of human identity into two strict categories of male and female natural? Or can these limitations be released through opening to the full spectrum of gender fluidity?
Johnson, Gregori (2016). Science and Spirituality of Gender Fluidity. Science and Nonduality Conference.
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The merging of male and female
As we grow spiritually, we move beyond the distinctions of nationality, race or gender. Rather than being enclosed within our personal world of desire and fear, our sense of identity spreads to include human beings, other creatures and the whole cosmos. The superficial separation of physical difference gives way to an underlying sameness. At the core of our being, we are without identity of any kind. We are neither male nor female, human or animal, but spirit.
Taylor, Steve (2007). The merging of male and female. Website Steve Taylor (originally published in Green Spirit magazine).
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Transgender History: Trans Expression in Ancient Time
«Dually-Gifted, Dually Respected? What we understand as transgender (in its many different forms) has been understood quite differently at various periods of time. In the earliest ages, people who were seen to bridge the genders were quite often thought to possess wisdom that traditionally-gendered people did not, and were venerated for this».
Allen, Mercedes (2008). Transgender History: Trans Expression in Ancient Times.The Bilerico Project.
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Two-Spirit is not for white people
«Wir haben kein Wort für das, was ihr schwul oder lesbisch nennt und deshalb brauchen wir dieses Wort als Oberbegriff für alle, die sind wie wir. Wir haben nie gesagt: ‹Oh du bist eine Transgenderperson. Du bist bisexuell oder du bist lesbisch.› Wir kannten diese Ausdrücke nicht. Diese Ausdrücke stammen alle aus der westlichen Kultur. Du weisst schon, LGBTQ und all das.»
Fabian (2018). Two-Spirit is not for white people. Milchbüechli.
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Dokumentation von Frameline
White Noise Collective: A letter to white people using the term «Two-Spirit»
«Many white people who use the term “Two Spirit” are doing so out of a desire to resist the dominant binary and find a way to describe a feeling deeper than words. There is nothing wrong with this impulse. The impulse to find and create language is an act of resistance and resilience. Language often comes from the colonizers, and can become its own prison if we are not constantly creating new words and uncovering ancient ways to describe our reality. It only becomes a problem when we are stealing, rather than creating or reclaiming these words.»
Beja (2015). A letter to white people using the term «two-spirit». White Noise Collective.
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